Pharmaceutical and Biotech companies are challenged to meet control documentation requirements in day to day operations.Effective document management and document control are critical parts to any quality and compliance solution. Global Regulatory agencies expects that all regulated companies follow current industry best practices throughout the manufacturing process. To meet these requirements Phama Soft Sol developed Document Management System software which helps to control and distribute the SOP’s , STP’s and other regulated documents.
Document management software systems not only reduce the costs of compliance, but also help you improve process and product quality. Document Management System(softDMS) able to retrieve the information you need-exactly when you need it-minimizes the possibility of miscommunication and mistakes which in turn minimize risks, manhours and other documentation errors.
Document Management System software is also an easy tool to control the documents for sharing and retrieval at the same time safeguarding the Document Management System at a low cost. In other words, having the right documentation available at the right time will save the organization’s time and money.
Document Management – Features
- Document Initiation and Approval
- E-Mail Alerts and Notifications
- Approval of Document and training
- Document Master List View and Document Search
- Master Lists and Documents can be viewed by the authorized users.
- Distribution of Documents, Print at Department Level
- Current Version Availability
- Tracking and Reminder for Revision
- Revision Control
- Approved Document Search:
- Find Document:
- Audit Trails
- Security to the Documents
- Controlled Document Access
- Integrates with Other Application
Benefits to the Document Controller
- Handle many document’s at a time & Status view
- Automates document review and approvals as a paperless solution
- Email alerts for each document revision dues and over dues
- Select the document initiators , reviewers and approvers online
- Auto updating of Master Lists
- Share document’s online
- Print document’s at department level
Benefits to user
- Save Time
- Data in Your Possession
- E-Mail Alerts for the required activities
- Review the document any time and in any place
- Documentation Status and availability
- Online Document view.